Character Coach
"Above all else guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."
Proverbs 4:23
Frequently Asked Questions
about Character Coaching
One of the most important roles coaches play in preparing players for competition and life is to give them a chance to develop good character.
We expect coaches to have a game plan for coaching the fundamentals and strategy of any sport. What isn't always clear is how to coach character. Over time we have seen an ever-growing gap develop between coaching the fundamental aspects of a specific sport and the development of quality quaracter that is above reproach. Character Coaches exist to fill this crucial gap in developing the complete athlete.
It is important to know the difference between a Character Coach and a Chaplain. Both roles are critically important but distinctively different.
Character Coach
A wide variety of people can serve the sports community as Character Coaches. One need not be in the ministry to faithfully serve and significantly impact the lives of coaches and athletes. Among those who could serve are:
FCA wants to provide teams with the best-trained, most effective Character Coaches we can, so we created a process:
As you get started recruiting, training and empowering Character Coaches in your area, it is critically important to follow some FCA guidelines to protect everyone involved.
Keep in mind the differences between a Character Coach and a Team Chaplain. The Character Coach initiative is designed to help get a ‘foot in the door’ with School Administrators, Coaches and athletes by providing an on-going presence with a particular team while passing along strong, character building lessons that are non-religious.
Obviously, our hope and prayer is that these Character Coaches begin to lay a foundation of trust that will eventually open doors for other opportunities such as evangelism and discipleship.
If you have completed an MLA already or don't recall contact for next steps