June 8, 2025 | 2:00-4:30PM
Spartan Golf Complex
579 E Alma Ave. San Jose, CA
GRADES 2nd - 8th
Cost: $100
(limited scholarships available)
CLUBS REQUIRED! Snack and gift provided!
Have Questions?
riglopez@fca.org or 408-300-0744
If you are in need of a camp scholarship to attend,
do not register until you have been approved.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is offering a unique youth golf experience. The FCA Golf Challenge is a time of “inspiration and perspiration” for aspiring young golfers who want to reach their potential through comprehensive athletic, spiritual and leadership training from golf professionals, college coaches, and college golfers. This faith-based golf clinic will offer a unique blend of golf instruction, Bible teaching and life application not usually found at a junior golf camp.
We have limited spots available. Register TODAY!
Golf Challenge Schedule
*Schedule Subject to Change
2:00 Golfer Check-in Begins
2:15pm Training Begins
*30 minute stations/games throughout
4:00pm Training concludes with snack and devotion
4:30pm Parent/Guardian Pick-up
Volunteer Application
If you are an adult (not in college or high school) and want to serve the FCA Golf Challenge, please click on the Camp Volunteer Application below. (On page two of camp staff application under camps/experience search for "Golf Challenge").