Matthew Decker

Matthew Decker

Area Representative



Matthew Decker spent five years at Stanford as a catcher and spiritual leader on the varsity baseball team. He was an active member in many student organizations including student president of Stanford FCAIA. Matthew’s path to ministry wasn’t direct. After completing his BA (June 2017) and MA (June 2018) in Public Policy, Matthew initially accepted a job working on housing policy for the City of San Jose.

To many this seemed like the logical next step to apply his academics and social impact aspirations, but the first couple weeks on the job left him anxious and uncomfortable. While his co-workers were amazing and the projects meaningful, God continued to invite him back to sports ministry with FCA through constant prayer and continued discernment.

After a couple weeks of enduring the uneasiness of the housing policy job, Matthew left the position and went all-in with FCA. He has a burden for the San Francisco Bay Area, and he’s excited to see the Kingdom grow in the area where he was transformed during his 5 years in college and be close to an amazing community.

Matthew will be covering the northern part of the South Bay Area and Peninsula, including towns such as Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Atherton, and Los Altos. He’s the oldest of three kids. His younger sister, Kathryn, plays volleyball at Santa Clara University and his younger brother, Andrew, is a college freshman Portland, Oregon where his mother and father have lived for 30 years.

Matthew believes the world is being changed by Jesus through sports and he’s excited to have a role in this spiritual revolution. Thank you for supporting Matthew on the mission to reach athletes and coaches with the gospel.

Matthew and his fiancée Anna Locklair are engaged to be married in October 23, 2020.

Favorite Team

Stanford Cardinal

Favorite Bible Verse

For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 


Matthew and his fiancee Anna will be married on October 23, 2020

                                                                                                 Matthew and fiancée Anna

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