Tawni Klarke

408-300-0744 office


Tawni Klarke

Administrative Assistant

Tawni Klarke was born in Ontario, Canada - in a city close to Toronto. She’s now living in San Jose, California, and truly enjoying the sun!

Being raised by a Christian family was a good base. However, after she met her husband, Lloyd Klarke, her christianity blossomed. They’ve been fully involved in their church in multiple ways and have also raised their 4 children with a solid relationship with God.

As Tawni stayed home to raise her children, she was a mission coordinator for her church, Mom’s Groups, and multiple non-profit associations. While her 2 oldest children have been in high school, they have been thoroughly involved as FCA Presidents, and the National School Project, active in their Christian Youth Groups, and are attending universities with a strong Christian degree.

For the last couple of years, Tawni has been the Outreach Coordinator at Los Gatos Christian School. She worked with students to increase their passion of helping others by working on projects together for non-profit associations, local crisis’, and families in need. 

With her true Canadian blood, Tawni loves hockey! And her kids definitely keep her on track if she ever misses anything. 

Tawni is a natural servant, and truly loves to help others. 
Phil. 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

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